Friday, January 30, 2009

Figma & Nendoroid Photoshoot Competition

Ho... holy~!

Aku pernah bilang akan istirahat? Forget what I said before :P

Bagi kalian yang memiliki Figma atau Nendoroid, lalu tertarik dengan Nendo Miku di atas. Segera kirim foto terbaik kalian ke sini (moonrunes language :P), dan jangan lupa memperhatikan peraturannya...

- The image file cannot be bigger than 3MB.
- You are only allowed to submit 1 photo per person/entry. If they found out that you have submitted more than 1 Photo, you will be disqualified.
- It doesn’t have to be new and recent photos. It can be old ones, as long as it’s your best!!
- It MUST be your OWN photos. You are not allowed to take other people photos and submitted it as your own.

Dan hadiahnya...

-Both Sections- (I think this refers to best of the best for both sections)

1. Grand Prize - Ita Folding Bike
2. Gold Prize - Ita Ilyama KDU-G1XP Notebook
3. Silver Prize - Ita Sony CyberShot DSC-T77 Camera

(”Ita” means that those prizes will be custom-painted with decals/images just like those Itasha cars. So they are one of a kind ^^ )

As for the Figma and Nendoroid section, looks like the winning prizes will also include the Judges favourites ^^ Did my best to translate them with my minimal knowledge. Maybe some of you can help

-Figma Section- (Max Factory People)

1. 浅井 Prize - Secret! (3 Winners)
2. Max Watanabe Favourite - figMax! Archetype Remodelling (1 Winner)
3. 二等兵 Favourite - Ita PSP (1 Winner)
4. こっしー Prize - Figma Assortment Parts (1 Winner)
5. Fine Works - Figma Hatsune Miku Special Ver. (10 Winners)

-Nendoroid Section- (Good Smile Company People)

1. あげた Prize - Secret! (3 Winners)
2. Boss Aki Favourite - Nendoroid Hatsune Miku & ちゃりんこ Good Smile Character Ver. (1 Winner)
3. Mikatan Favourite - Good Smile Hoshinin Mascot Colour Ver. & Clear Ver. (1 Winner)
4. ねんどろんPrize - Nendoroid Assortment Parts (1 Winner)
5. Fine Works - Nendoroid Hatsune Miku Special Ver. (10 Winners)

(not posted by me)

Tertarik untuk ikut serta? (dengan modal Figma Miku, aku sendiri akan mencoba...)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Retired (again)

Yes, I'm retired again... or hiatus D:

Playing AT2 although I heard some bad rumor (and might be true), there're lot of bugs in this game. I wonder there's patch to fix the game... Still waiting for that while playing the game :3


Btw, sudah kuputuskan. Apapun yang terjadi, bagaimana pun juga aku akan setia dengan Chroche-sama! Se-loli apapun Jakuri, dan kata ero-sensei level "tsundere" Jakuri lebih hebat dari Croche-sama. Akan kubuktikan kesetiaan saya :3

Sorry, Jakuri...

And here's some scans you might already have xD

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy (Chinese) New Year!

It's Cirno's Year!

Tahun baru Cina, saatnya mengisi amunisi belanja figure dan game! Untuk permulaan hari ini baru saja membeli internal HDD WD 640GB dari Mangga Dua. Besok berharap dapat angpao lumayan xD

Rencana malam ini... menunggu AT2 undub seperti biasa... estimate time... 1 week "orz. Siapa saja yang sudah selesai DL AT2 undub tolong di-upload di IIX atau kirim ke rumah saya TT_TT

Btw, baru check mangaupdates. Ada 3 chapter terbaru scanlation Fap Note (Master Kurosawa) xD. Here's the links:
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ar Tonelico II Melody Of Metafalica UNDUB are Available!


the story:
The region of Metafalss surrounds the second Tower of Ar tonelico, which is said to represent the Goddess Frelia of the Trio of Elemia.Reyvateils in this region have been succumbing to a raging epidemic called the Infel Phira Dependency (I.P.D.).Chroix, a Knight under the Church of Pastalia, is sent to find the source of the problem and contain the epidemic.There is more transpiring in this region than just the epidemic, however, and one mission will throw him into an adventure to unravel the mysteries of the planet Ar Ciel and seek out a legend handed down by the people of Metafalss: the lost Hymn of Metafalica. (from reggie's blog)

Sejak 2 hari yang lalu seperti orang bego keluar masuk toko game di kompleks perumahan, gak ketemu. Naik bus menuju mall Mega Bekasi, masih gak ketemu. Nyebrang ke Metropolitan Mall keliling mencari copy Ar Tonelico 2 Melody of Metafalica... DIMANA KAU!? T_T

Pulang ke rumah dengan tubuh lelah dan bau angkutan umum. Janji karaoke dengan teman batal karena ada urusan mendadak (padahal disana aku berencana minta copy AT2 ;_;).

Entah hikmah darimana, begitu buka internet ketemu "Ar Tonelico 2 USA UNDUB". *scream* awesome! DL 100% focus on AT2!

Btw, here's the link of AT2 Undub version. Have fun!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Subaru Alter

Can't unsee...

Harganya bisa dilihat sendiri 8190 yen, release Juni 2009, keluaran Alter. Dari semua Alter Nanoha series, mungkin Subaru yang paling memukau buatku (Hayate juga bagus sih ^^"). Sialnya uang belanja dah terlanjur dialokasikan untuk Cross Edge (game PS3), Nendo Hatsune Kagamiku, Nendo Kino (patungan bonus premium box game NDS Cross of Venus), Nendo Itoshiki-sensei, dan yang terpenting beli HDD internal baru yang sebelumnya kena bad sector "orz

Lalu sebenarnya ada lagi figure keluaran Alter, one of my favorite character... Tama-chan

Damn, kenapa info-nya datang bersamaan dengan Subaru >_<. Harganya 6090 yen, release Mei 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

5 Days to GO!

What? Obama's blablabla ceremony? NO!

It's Ar Tonelico 2, baby! xD Tinggal 5 hari lagi sebelum release di North America. Bagi kalian yang belum begitu familiar dengan game keluaran Gust ini... do a google, please? :P Er... setidaknya aku masih bisa memberi link official US site.

Seriously, I haven't made my mind which girl I'd love... Normally, I'd hit Ruka but... no no not yet! There's still tsundere Chroche and loli Jakuri >_< And I promised, I won't go for harem!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hi 2009!

Mari kita sapu-menyapu~ xD

Tahun ini penuh nasib sial
1. Tahun baru, kakak di Lombok nabrak ojek, tukang ojeknya selamat tapi biaya pengobatan ditanggung kakak gua (dia lumayan mapan sih disana jadi gak terlalu berat)
2. Figma Miku rambutnya patah tanggal 7 Januari
3. Rumah kontrakan kakak di Lombok kebanjiran (sial 2x dia)
4. PC rusak, diperiksa babeh ternyata ada bad sector di internal HDD = ganti baru
5. And finally...

Ambruk dari lantai 2, serpihannya jatuh ke lantai 1. Aku juga baru pulang dari kos babeh (a.k.a. Skull Commander), begitu menyaksikan rumah kayak kapal pecah... "Oh sh*t! What the f*ck was going on?!". Di rumah juga gak ada PRT, jadinya gua tenaga kuli di rumah (bonyok dah 50++), yang musti beresin sampah-sampah. Diterima donasinya, kirim ke no rek xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Perkiraan sih bakal abis 16jt buat renovasi ~_~

Friday, January 9, 2009


Tidak ada tujuan khusus menggambar Shana, hanya mengisi waktu luang yang tersisa...

Media yang digunakan: Pensil 2B, potongan kertas kalender bekas, penghapus murah, dan pewarnaan berantakan dengan Photoshop CS2. Feel free to critize and please help me to improve :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nagato Yuki Bath Towel

Bath towel bonus dari game PS2 ババ、バスタオル姿!? 『涼宮ハルヒの戸惑』 / In a Ba-Ba-Bath Towel!? “Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi” (limited edition)

D'uh! So WANT!


The game expected to be released at end of January 2009, limited edition, gua gak mungkin dapat "orz

Source : Sankaku Complex

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Latest Vocaloid - Megurine Luka

Vocaloid yang akan memulai debutnya di akhir Januari, Megurine Luka :D

Age: 20
Height: 162cm
Weight: 45kg
Genres: Latin, Jazz, Ethno-pop, House/Electronic Dance
Tempo: 65-145BPM
Range: D3-D5

Yay to DAP :3

Menurut 4koma ini, Luka bisa mengucapkan bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Untuk memastikannya. lebih baik menunggu software-nya release xD

Jika tertarik mendengar demo-nya, silahkan ke blog Crypton :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Kannagi END

Ending yang indah... I won't ever forget you Nagi-sama, never! Aku akan setia menunggu season 2, 3, 4, dan seterusnya kalau ada.


*yandere mode ON*

Semangat Tsugumi-san, aku mendukungmu!

Dan berita duka cita. Our comrade, Veedragon a.k.a. Vincent telah meninggal dunia tanggal 1 Januari 2009 pukul 23.00. May you rest in peace...

Friday, January 2, 2009


Speedy tewas selama 8 hari... DL anime terbengkalai... C75 belum ada yang ke-DL... Natal dan Tahun Baru sendirian di rumah tanpa internet...