Friday, February 20, 2009

Sacred Blaze & Shining Force Feather

So many good games yet so little time...

Pertama-tama Sacred Blaze, game strategy RPG keluaran Flight-Plan. Yeah, same company who made Summon Night series... dan terutama illustrator-nya adalah Kuroboshi Kohaku-sensei xD

Berikut ini preview yang copy+paste dari situs The Magic Box :P

In the game you play as the God who awaken from a long sleep, and found out the world is covered in darkness and terror spread through the land. You will be guided by an angel to search for warriors from the land and battle against the darkness.

The game will have a Master & Servant system, as the god you will find warriors in the land and give them power. Each warrior will have his/her own stories and each will have his/her own colleagues. The master can summon servants in battle and raise his own combat capability; servants will be able to learn master's skills. Some of the Master & Servant pairs include:

  • Lord X Knight
  • White Mage x Familar (servant mage)
  • Sacred Priest X Animus (holy spirit)
  • Dousi Master X Ressi Fighter
  • Minstrel X Dancer
  • Adventure-Trader X Wingbird (Hawk)
  • Bulcannus X Robot

During battles, the god can intervene with four unique abilities:

  • Miracle - heal, evade attacks and create opportunities
  • Prayer - help solving the warrior's concerns and problems
  • Oracle - character can learn new abilities
  • Oath - character's stats will be boosted for a long time
Berikutnya game NDS, Shining Force Feather, juga di-develope oleh Flight-Plan dan di-publish SEGA :D. Dengan artwork moe oleh Noizi dan style keren Pako, bikin bingung harus main yang mana duluan xD. (tapi sih memang gampangan main di DS daripada PS2 ;D).

Kedua game ini release tanggal 19 February 2009 alias sudah release. Kalau paham moon runes dengan main, SEGERA MAINKAN KEDUA GAME INI. Kalau tidak paham (like me), nikmati saja gameplay dan artwork yang indah "orz

1 comment:

hakurei said...

shining force feather... jelek huhu..
akhirnya untuk portable gw stuck sama tales of the world radiant mythology 2.. untuk konsol stuck sama sacred blaze.. uda stage 3-1 orz